Superhero Action Figures: Making your own heroes & their allies

Superhero Action Figures: Making your own heroes & their allies


Meets Online: Wed 5:00PM-5:45PM (10-weeks)

HQ Academy Type: “The Creator” Visual Arts

HQ Suggested Ages: 3rd grade to 5th grade.

Your Child’s HQ Course Project: Your kids will make toy action figures with costumes and at least 1 to 2 accessories and a backdrop to display them. Each of your kid’s superhero figures will have a developed story to go along with them. This story can be further developed in other HQ courses.

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HQ Course Description:  Who are your heroes? What makes a good ally? We all need a team behind us to make change in the world. In this HQ course, we will invent fantasy action figures who have superpowers. We will envision our dream action heroes, and their sidekick or allies and create a backstory to go along with them.

What superpowers do they need to do good in the world? What accessories do they use to carry out their magic? Using household materials such as paper, tape and fabric, we will make action figures and outfit them with costumes and accessories.

HQ Instructor Bio: Suzanne Goldenberg is an artist and educator working in a wide variety of venues in NYC schools - including the afterschool program at CRCS, as well as at community gardens and centers. She was an art education mentor at the Saturday School at Pratt institute teaching young educators in the Pratt Art Education program and directed the #1 ranked art program at summer camp for nine years. In addition to programming art workshops, Suzanne taught English, environmental science and literacy for over a decade in NYC public schools. She’s currently an adjunct professor at Hunter College teaching Media Studies to undergraduates. While doing this she maintains a studio practice and curates a very popular reading series in poetry. She loves playing pickup basketball on her birthday and serving chocolate mousse to her friends in the local community garden.